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5-27-14 Minutes
Salem Beautification Committee
Meeting May 27, 2014

Present:  Chairperson Barbara Swartz , Sam Fiori, Mary Ellen Halliwell, Lisa Lyons, Bev Moustakis,  Sandra Power, Barbara Sirois, Judith Wolfe, Ellen Talkowsky  Absent: Marcia Lambert    Visitors: City Councilor, William Legault, Marie Turley

Meeting was called to order at 7:05 P.M.

1.  Approval of Minutes:  The Minutes of the Meeting of April 22, 2014 were approved as written.

2.  Clean Salem Green Salem report: The event was deemed very successful as it included a larger number of Volunteer helpers and more cleaned areas.  Councilor Legault and his “Flying Saucer” group concentrated on a well traveled area around the HMA and train tracks.  The Committee was pleased with what they accomplished at Lafayette Square Park. “Letters to the Editor” were suggested.  Letters of appreciation are ready to be sent to sponsors and participants.  The Committee gratefully noted the letter of appreciation sent by the Mayor. Scheduling future Clean Salem Green Salem dates in connection with Earth Day and its activities was discussed.  A Motion to hold next years’s event on April 25th 2015 was moved and approved.  It was noted that the Committee may be called upon to participate in the coming activities related to the anniversary of the Great Salem Fire.

3. Plant Sale:  The sale was very successful.  There was a generous selection of donated plants from local gardens plus flats of plants and hanging flower filled baskets from Flowers by Darlene.    There was a 50/50 raffle.  Saturday sales totaled $997.00 and on Sunday, $980.00.  Deducting expenses the Committee made a profit of  $1,100.00.  Of special interest, on Sunday, was the contribution to the event by volunteers from the Bertram House.  Staff manned a table provided plants for sale and donated the proceeds to the Committee.  The interest expressed in becoming involved in the event by many visitors was also appreciated.  Plans for next year’s event focused on possible dates. Mother’s day with the possibility of the marketing of plant gifts and the inclusion of more plant varieties were discussed.

4.  Active Duty Service Island:  The Committee is responsible for this Island.  Continued responsiblity for the Island was considered. A motion to continue sponsoring the Island was offered seconded and passed.  It was decided that each member should be responsible for the Island for scheduled period of time.  A calendar schedule will be created.  Discussion regarding what should be planted on the Island followed.  A motion to limit the cost to less than $500.00 was approved.  Two Committee members were designated to make the purchases.  

5.  Traffic Island Program:  A MOU has been sent to close to forty possible sponsors.  Seventeen have responded.  A request to have the Island’s sponsor name sign posted for the entire year was considered.  It was decided that if the sponsor will keep the Island clean for the year, the sign can remain posted.   Sponsors will be notified.  The determination of what needs to be cared for on the Islands and who will take care of it was discussed.  The utility box on the Washington Street Island needs to be replaced.  A Motion was offered and approved to have the Committee pay half the cost of the replacement.  

6.  Hanging Basket for the Pedestrian Mall:  Committee members have been working on the development of this project.  They have looked into supplies, cost of supplies and the ideal locations for hanging the baskets.  The discussion was tabled until the next meeting.

7.  Lady of Salem:  It is anticipated that the existing “Ladies” will be installed on June 5th.  The NY Deli and Pizza has committed and paid to sponsor a “Lady”.  The “Ladies” will be on display for the Art Festival in June.  The Committee’s “open faced” human sized two dimensional manikins will be available for picture taking during the Heritage Days festival in August. A brochure which includes a self guided trail map will be developed for the Trails and Sails event in September.
The brochure will be available at the Visitor Center.  Staff with the Scarlet Press will help with these activities.

A Motion to adjourn was proposed and allowed.  The meeting adjourned at 9:11 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,

Judith Wolfe

Next Meeting:  June 24  at 7:00 P.M.
Chairperson: Barbara Swartz